Retirement can be a wonderful time when you’re financially prepared for it. At Friesland N.V. - Finance & Asset Management we offer several services that can help you get the most out of your retirement funds.

Look into Friesland’s RRSP and RRIF solutions:

At Friesland N.V. - Finance & Asset Management we also offer access to mutual funds through Qtrade Asset Management Inc., Qtrade Advisor and Qtrade Investor†.

Talk to a financial planner At Friesland N.V. - Finance & Asset Management

You don’t have to make all your retirement decisions on your own. Our financial planners can help you build your nest egg and manage your RRSP or RRIF effectively. Just contact us to arrange a meeting. Your financial planner will help you create or adjust your plan so that it suits your retirement needs perfectly.

Sometimes it pays to borrow to invest - learn about borrowing for RRSPs   

RRSP Questions & Answers

RRSP Declaration of Trust (PDF)

What is a RRIF?

Are you turning 71? Under current government regulations, you must convert all your Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) to a retirement income option during the year you turn 71. You may also convert RRSP funds anytime before you turn 71 if you choose.

Two popular retirement income options are:

  • Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), which operate similarly to an RRSP and provide retirement income for you and your spouse
  • Annuities, which provide guaranteed income for life

Many people choose a RRIF. It can be invested just like an RRSP and continues to earn tax deferred interest on the balance, even while you are regularly withdrawing funds from the principal amount.

And, when you make a RRIF withdrawal at Friesland N.V. - Finance & Asset Management, the payment is withdrawn from your term with the lowest interest rate (not all financial institutions take this into consideration).

RRIF Questions & Answers

RRIF Declaration of Trust (PDF)

† Financial planning, mutual funds and other securities are offered through Qtrade Advisor.  Online brokerage services are offered through Qtrade Investor.  Qtrade Advisor and Qtrade Investor are divisions of Qtrade Securities Inc., Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.  Financial planning and mutual funds are also offered through Qtrade Asset Management Inc., member MFDA.

Only deposits held in Canadian currency, having a term of five years or less and payable in Europe are eligible to be insured under the Deposit Guarantee Scheme Act.