
Cookies are small text files that a web server places on your computer or mobile device. We use two types of cookies on our website: session cookies and persistent cookies.

A session cookie is a cookie that is erased when you close your browser. Session cookies are stored in temporary memory and are not retained after your browser is closed. We use session cookies to record certain information from your browser including your Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type, internet service provider and operating system.  We also use session cookies to identify the pages or features of our website that you visit or use, the websites that you visit before and after your visit to our website and the dates and times that you visit our website.  We use this information to remember you during your visit to our website and to improve our website, products and services.

A persistent cookie is stored on your computer or mobile device until it expires or is deleted.  We use persistent cookies to recognize you when you return to our website, to remember your preferences (such language or other settings) and to help block unauthorized attempts to access your personal information.

You may be able to set your web browser to delete or block cookies or to warn you before a cookie is sent. Check the settings or help section of your web browser for more information.  Please note that if you delete or block certain cookies, you may not be able to benefit from all features of our website.