Foreign Exchange

Foreign Exchange Rates (Rates effective 2019-01-18) Buying Selling
United States (Dollar) 1.3654 1.2844
United Kingdom (Pound) 1.8248 1.6053
European Union (Euro) 1.6089 1.4182
Please note that the Buying column is the rate that clients will buy from Friesland and the Selling column is the rate that clients will sell to friesland.

All currencies are quoted in Canadian Dollars
These foreign exchange rates are for reference only and are subject to change, as currency prices fluctuate throughout the day.
Please note that when planning on visiting a branch to buy foreign currency, we require two days notice. These currencies are only available at branches with tellers, ATMs are unable to dispense foreign currency. Please call your branch ahead to make arrangements.
Due to local and proxy caching on the Internet, please ensure that you are viewing rates as at the current day's date.